Character Deaths - How and When


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01. Ed Peletier - Devoured by Walkers
02. Amy - Bit by a Walker; shot by Andrea
03. Jim - Bitten by a Walker, chooses to be left behind on the road
04. Jacqui - Explosion at the CDC
05. Dr. Edwin Jenner - Explosion at the CDC
06. Otis - Shot by Shane, ate by Walkers
07. Sophia Peletier - Turned into a Walker, shot by Rick
08. Dave - Shot in the head by Rick
09. Tony - Shot 3 times by Rick
10. Sean - Shot by Hershel, eaten by Walkers
11. Dale Horvath - Stomach ripped open by Walker, shot in head by Daryl
12. Randall - Neck snapped by Shane, smashed in face as Walker by Glenn
13. Shane Walsh - Stabbed by Rick, shot in head as Walker by Carl
14. Jimmy - Eaten by Walkers
15. Patricia - Eaten by Walkers
16. Prisoner Big Tiny - Scratched by Walker, murdered before turning by Tomas
17. Prisoner Tomas - Machete to head by Rick
18. Prisoner Andrew - Shot in head by Oscar
19. T-Dog - Bitten by Walker, devoured by Walkers allowing Carol to escape
20. Lori Grimes - Blood loss from c-section by Maggie; shot by Carl before turning.
21. Crowley - Decapitated by Michonne, stabbed in head by Garguilo before turning.
22. Tim - Stabbed by Michonne, stabbed in head by Merle before turning.
23. Garguilo - Shot in head by Merle.
24. Donna - Bitten by Walker, hammer smashed by Tyreese before turning.
25. Oscar - Shot in chest with shotgun, bullet to head by Maggie before turning. be continued


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