In Reverse

i hate cliffhangers
hope syds ok!!!
totally loved how sark did the thing that both irina and lauren did
the intimacy to avoid the issue
thanx for the pm
cant wait for more
Chapter 10: The Descendant

Sydney didn’t know how long she’d been there but it seemed like forever. It was cold and dark and she was sitting chained to a steel chair. She had woken up to find herself very groggy from what she figured was the tranq dart they’d shot her with. Every few minutes or maybe hours they’d come in and beat her up for fun. This memory pained her as she licked the blood off the side of her lips. It had been a while since they last came in and she was expecting the door to open again any minute. When will they come in and interrogate me? How long are they gonna torture me? Are they trying to kill me? But who are they? It must be the Covenant, but if it is, is Julian in on this? Did he help capture me?

Syd’s thoughts were interrupted by the door opening once more. She looked up this time to see, once again, the man who had beaten her several times before.

“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” Syd said quietly.

Syd’s question was answered by her getting bashed in the jaw by his fist. Her head flew to the side and when she recovered, she moved her jaw around to check that it wasn’t broken.

“Oooh, tough guy.” She attempted again to get on his nerves.

Infuriated by her, he picked up his fist to punch her again but stopped mid-air at the sound of a woman’s voice.

“Stop. You’ve done enough.” The voice said and Sydney saw a woman’s figure in the doorway. “Now go.”

The man left the room and the light was turned on. Syd squinted in the light, but still made out the face of Lauren Reed. Anger suddenly consumed her and she wished more that anything that she was not tied to the chair.

“Hello Sydney.” Lauren said with a small smile while Sydney glared at her, the anger building up inside her. “I’m sorry we had to meet under these circumstances but I’m afraid this was the only option. The Covenant needs you to do us a favor.” Lauren paused, waiting for a reaction.

“There’s no way I would ever help you. In case you’ve forgotten, it is because of you that my baby is dead.

“I haven’t forgotten. But your situation is very unique and I think what I am about to say will change you point of view.” Lauren said, preparing for her next words. “We kidnapped Michael Vaughn and staged his death. You probably know this already, or at least suspected it, but let me tell you why. We kidnapped Mr. Vaughn so Julian Sark could move in on you and get close to you. We needed someone on the inside to keep an eye on the CIA and make sure they didn’t’ know what we were doing. Michael Vaughn escaped, luckily, just after we had erased his memory and were prepared to exchange him for one of our captured agents with the Triad. I am surprised they didn’t try and abduct him while he was back at the CIA. But that is their headache. Anyway,” Lauren continued as she circled around Sydney’s chair. “we have a proposal for you. It is written in the prophecy that you, The Chosen One, will bring forth his works unto utter desolation. A vial of Rambaldi’s DNA has been recently found. They say that this power would be brought forth through a child. Using Rambaldi’s DNA and you as a surrogate, in 9 months from now Rambaldi will be resurrected. ”

“Wait, whoa, a child?! You must be kidding me. There is no way I’ll ever do anything like that for you people!”

“That’s alright. You don’t have to agree. But think about it. Get used to the idea, because whether you like it or not, by tomorrow night you will be pregnant with Rambaldi’s child, written in another prophecy as The Descendant.” And with that, Lauren shut the light once more and shut the door behind her.

A.N. I hope you liked it. it was kinda short but trust me it’s going somewhere. Please review with good or bad things to say. Feed back always helps motivate me to write another chapter.
Chapter 11: The Final Draw

Sydney woke up again, but this time in a different room. She was bound to what she guessed was a hospital bed and wearing a hospital gown. A little while after she woke up, Julian walked in and sat down on a chair next to the bed. Sydney couldn’t stand seeing him and felt like she was going to scream.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, not expecting much of an answer.

“I’m here to apologize.” He answered.

“Go to Hell!!”

“Syd, please don’t make it like this.” He pleaded.

“Like what? Like you betrayed me after vowing to love me for all your life?!” Syd screamed trying to hold back the tears. “How could you do this?!” she screamed again giving up in the fight against the tears pushing to stream down her face. “I truly loved you. How could you betray me?”

“You truly loved me? Don’t even lie about that.” He said. “The second Vaughn came back, you started up with those funny looks across the briefing table. Tell me, how many times did you wish you’d never married me? Well, if you haven’t before, you will now.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Syd asked, a twinge of fear in her voice.

“You’ll find out soon.” He said.

“Don’t give me that cryptic felgercarb!”

“See you later Sydney.”

“Wait. Before you leave. Just tell me one thing.” She pleaded.

“What is it?”

“Did you ever really love me?
“Yes” Julian said blankly and left the room.


After Julian left, Syd worked non-stop to free herself from the rope which bound her to the bed. Finally, after about 20 minutes of trying, the rope broke loose. She quickly got out of bed and slowly opened the door, careful not to make a sound. She slowly worked her way down the hallway looking for any way out. Before she knew it, she heard footsteps behind her and looked back at Lauren, running after her. Syd turned around and threw a punch at Lauren which she blocked and sent one to Sydney to return. Syd fell to the ground, her nose aching with pain. She quickly jumped up, but Lauren was too fast. She already threw another punch which landed Sydney on the floor once more. She was quickly carried back into her room by guards and tied to the bed once more.
Minutes later, a doctor walked in and stuck her with a needle to place an IV, in which he then put an anesthetic, to numb her for the procedure. After a few minutes, Syd felt lightheaded. They soon wheeled her into the operating room and she became increasingly nervous.
The doctor entered the room and seeing Lauren asked, “Are you sure we should do this?”

“Yes. Start right away.” She said.

One of the nurses placed an oxygen mask over Sydney’s mouth which let the anesthesia flow through her lungs and through her body. Syd tried to hold her breath for as long as she could, but eventually she had to breathe in.
Suddenly, the doors burst open and shots whistled through the air and everyone dropped to the ground. Syd looked around, not sure of what was happening and watched Lauren hit the ground, blood gushing from her chest. The doctor and nurses ran out of the room and one of the masked men came over to Syd. He pulled off his mask and Vaughn was looking right at her. He helped her out of the bed and another man, who was actually Weiss wearing a mask, checked Lauren’s pulse.

“She’s dead.” He said and quickly they all left the room.

They started running out of the building and Syd looked back to see if anyone was following them. She saw Julian quickly turn the corner and before she knew what she was doing, she had grabbed Vaughn’s gun and ran after Julian. She turned the same corner as he had seconds ago, and she saw that he looked behind him and knew that he had saw her. She turned the next corner and was knocked to the ground. She looked up although it pained her terribly, she saw that Julian had hit her on the head with a fire extinguisher, causing her drop her gun, which slid across the floor. She worked very hard to get up and when she did, she disarmed Julian and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor and while he did, Syd picked up her gun. When she looked back at Julian, he also was pointing a gun to her face.

“Drop it. I will shoot you.” She said, holding back the tears.

“You couldn’t shoot me.”

“Watch me.” She said, and pulled the trigger, letting a tear fall down her face. She watched Julian fall to the ground, a surprised look on his face with blood pouring out of his chest.

Sydney, suddenly feeling the affects of that blow to her head by the fire extinguisher, fell to the ground, unconscious.


Sydney woke up, this time in a real hospital bed with Vaughn sitting at her bedside. For the first time in a while she smiled, at him, when he noticed she had woken up.

“Hey there.” He said gently, moving closer to her, rubbing his hand on her forehead. “How are you doing?”

Syd smiled again. “I’m okay. They didn’t injure anything badly except for my head and my ego. Is Julian…”

“Dead?” Vaughn filled in. “Ya. He is. By the way, good job back there.”


“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Ya. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”

“Syd. You shot your husband. There’s got to be some emotional baggage that comes along with doing something like that.”

“He’s not my husband. He betrayed me… I’m fine. Really.” She insisted. “Promise me one thing okay?”

“Of Course.”

“Promise me that when I get out of here we get married right away.”

“For sure.”

And with that, Vaughn leaned over to Sydney, and they kissed.

The End!!!

A.N. This is the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed my story. I have a few ideas for another story, so look out for it if you are interested. Please review! Your criticism and praises are really helpful.
Aw, they ended up together! Even though I LOVE Sarkney, I really liked the way this one played out.

Please PM me when you start up your new fic! :D
