Deep Forest

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>A/N: Well, I had this idea in my head for a story, and now that I have a little bit more free time on my hands, I figured that I would actually write it! I decided to call it “Deep Forest” which is a song from my favourite anime InuYasha (Yes, I know, I’m a loser!) I’m dedicating this fic to my best friend, Andrea! </span>

Deep Forest (Fukai Mori)

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I'm sure that the heart I left behind still lies hidden in the heart of the deep, deep forest.
Exhausted, without the strength to search, people vanish into the infinite darkness.
If it's so small, I wonder if I can see it even now?
As we live on, we lose a little bit more. Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out.
The days pass by and change, without us even realizing how blue the sky really is.
Overcoming that made-up scheme, we live the present, and our rusted hearts begin to beat again.
If we can find the rhythm of time, we can fly once again.
We live our lives wandering to the ends of the earth. Believing, now I begin my journey with you, in search of the light.
We live our lives wandering to the ends of the earth. Closing off the way back, we walk on for eternity.
We live our lives standing frozen to the spot, unable to cry out, for eternity...


<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Deep Forest</span>

Chapter 1

Sydney sighed, put her book down on the table and headed towards the kitchen for a glass of water. She was having trouble concentrating, and had ended up re-reading the last page of her book six times before she finally processed the information. Her sister should have been home by now. What was taking Nadia so long?

“Sloane or dad would have called me by now to tell me if something went wrong. She’s probably okay, just a little late. Try to calm down Syd,” she thought, pouring herself a glass of water.

She downed the water in seconds, and moved back to the living room.

“Still… I can’t help but feel something went wrong. It isn’t like her to be late.”

Sydney pulled the cotton blanket over her body, and went back to her book. She was about to flip the page when the door suddenly opened.

“Nadia? Is that you?” she asked.

A figure popped out from behind the door.

“Yeah, it’s me. Why are you up so late?” Nadia replied, closing the door behind her.

“You were supposed to be back a while ago. I was worried,” Sydney said.

Ever since Nadia moved in, Sydney had gotten close to her little sister. She finally had some understanding of her father. She would do anything to protect her sister, and her father would do anything to protect her. She could finally appreciate that now.

“I’m sorry. Something happened on the mission, nothing big, but-”

“Really? What was it?” Sydney interrupted.

“I retrieved the disk as planned, but when I opened the safe and lifted the disk, there was a note underneath it,” Nadia explained.

“Really? What did it say?” Sydney asked, cocking her head slightly.

“I don’t really know. Just three words. I actually have it in my coat pocket. I thought it might have been some kind of code, but I couldn’t decipher it. Do you think you could?” Nadia said, digging through her coat pocket and retrieving a piece of folded paper.

She unfolded it, and handed it to Sydney, who gasped.

“I already know what that means.”

On the piece of paper were three words in familiar hand-writing; Truth Takes Time.

“Really? What is it?” Nadia asked, sitting down on the couch.

Sydney sat down next to her, in shock, wondering what to say.

“Or mother… she’s alive,” was all she spit out.

“What? You know that just by reading that piece of paper? Our mother is dead. She’s been dead for a while,” Nadia replied, not knowing how to respond.

“No, she’s alive. She always used to tell me “truth takes time” and she sent me a code years ago saying “truth takes time.” When I first learned of her betrayal, and when I first met her again, she always said it. I assumed she was trying to tell me that I would understand her motives with the passing of time, but maybe… maybe it’s more then that.”

“What? So, she is alive? Syd… oh my god,” Nadia whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

“You cannot tell your father or my father about this. They think she’s dead. It has to stay that way,” Sydney said, folding the note up again and putting it back in Nadia’s pocket.

“Why? They could help us investigate!” Nadia replied, jumping up from the couch.

“No, they couldn’t. I think we would be better off alone. Promise me you will not tell anyone about this,” Sydney said, looking into her sister’s eyes.

Nadia was silent for a moment, but finally spoke. “I promise.”

“I don’t understand. Dad said he killed mom himself. He watched her die. Unless he knew she was alive all along, and was hiding this from me… how is this possible?” Sydney wondered, heading towards her bedroom.

“Oh, before I forget Sydney, Sophia wanted to know if she could stay here. Would that be okay with you?” Nadia asked.

Sydney stopped right before she entered her room.

“Sure, I’d love her to stay here! Now I can catch up on your life,” she replied with a smile on her face.

Nadia nodded, and then headed off towards her own room.

Sydney flopped down on her bed and buried herself in her pillow.

“Maybe mom is trying to send a message. Maybe she wanted Nadia to find that note. She knew Nadia would bring it back and that I would see it, so is she trying to contact me? Why did my father and Sloane bring up the story of Yelena right around the same time? Is this all a big coincidence? What’s going on? For the first time in a long time, I feel completely clueless.”

So, what do you think? Is it good? Should I continue? Is it bad? Should I stop? I would appreciate feedback. :smiley:
Abby update. U can't leave me wondering lol j/k heheheheheh :lol:

This story was dedicated 2 me. Don't I feel special lol :lol: :D :smiley: :lol:
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>A/N: Sorry I didn't update sooner! My stupid internet has been down for a week, so I didn't get a chance to :angry: It's working now, so I thought I'd post the next chapter! Thank you everyone for your kind reviews ;) </span>


<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Deep Forest</span>

Chapter 2

“So, what do you propose we do?” Nadia asked, taking a sip from her coffee.

“Our mother was trying to contact me… but why? If she isn’t dead, why didn’t she surface sooner?” Sydney asked, stirring her coffee.

“I don’t know. Maybe she was in hiding,” Nadia answered, shrugging her shoulders.

“If she was in hiding, she wouldn’t surface unless she absolutely had to. Something bad must be going down. I don’t like this one bit…” Sydney mumbled.

“Neither do I. It makes me uneasy,” Nadia said, frowning.

Before the girls could say anymore, the doorbell rang.

“I think that’s Sophia. I’ll get it,” Nadia said, jumping up from her chair and heading to the door.

“What could this all mean? Mom obviously wants me to contact her. Why? How? Where? When? It just isn’t clicking…” Sydney thought, staring into he cup of coffee.

“Sophia, you’ve met my sister Sydney before. Sydney, this is Sophia,” Nadia said, introducing the two.

“Hello, Sydney. I’m so glad to meet you. Nadia tells me you’ve been taking good care of her, and for that I’m grateful,” Sophia beamed, giving Sydney a hug.

“It’s no problem. I just make sure she doesn’t kill herself. It’s all in a day’s work,” Sydney replied.

“Well, she sure is friendly. Something seems… off, though. She has a familiar aura…” Sydney thought.

So, what are you girls up to?” Sophia asked, placing her bags by the door.

“Well, I was just about to-”

All of a sudden, Sydney’s cell phone rang.

“Go to work, I guess. Sorry,” she finished, heading out the door.


Sydney walked briskly through the APO doors. What could Sloane want now? She just came back from a mission. Was he unsatisfied? Was she is trouble? Why did she care? She didn’t do anything wrong, so what was the problem?

“Sydney, in my office now,” Sloane said, poking his head out of the door.

Sydney obeyed, and entered his office.

“What is it?” she asked, as she sat down across from him.

“Elena Derevko. I sent your father on a mission to Siberia to recover some information. We received a tip from an unknown source,” Sloane explained.

“What do you mean?” Sydney asked.

“APO received an e-mail from an unknown source. Marshall tried to trace it, but it must have been sent from a secure area. It contained coordinates which led to a cabin in Siberia. Underneath the coordinates, the were the words “Elena Derevko.” The e-mail was addressed to you,” he replied.

“What!? There was a message for me, and you didn’t tell me!? Was she there!?” Sydney asked in disbelief.

“Jack thought it was too dangerous, so he went himself. He’s on his way back to LA as we speak, but it the cabin he found files about Elena Derevko,” Sloane hastily replied.

“What did the files say?” Sydney asked.

Sloane passed a manila folder over to her.

"See for yourself.”

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>April 25th, 2005

Targets: Sydney A. Bristow, Nadia J. Santos
Location: Los Angeles, California
Caution: Sydney A. Bristow: Known for having a short temper. Watch out when she’s angry, extreme danger. Sisters communicate well together. When fighting alongside one another, abilities are increased, use extreme caution.</span>

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I’m heading to Los Angeles myself to take care of them both. If the plan is to be put into play, my sisters both need to be taken out. Katya is in prison and out of the way, and I’ve made sure Irina won’t interfere. The targets will soon be acquired, stand by for orders.

-Yelena Derevko</span>

“What? I don’t understand. This was written a few weeks ago. She’d be here by now…” Sydney muttered.

“She is. Katya and Irina are the only ones who could ID her or know where to find her. With Katya in prison, that’s out of the question, and Irina is dead, so we have no leads,” Sloane replied.

“She… planned this!? She’s been planning this for a while! Who sent this tip!? This person obviously knew what she was up to, and wants us to stop her,” Sydney asked, banging her fists against the table.

“We have no idea who sent it. I can only think of Katya and Irina, but they’re both gone, so it can’t be.”

“Mom! That’s what that note was about! She was trying to warn me! Yelena is here… but where can I find her? Jesus Mom, I wish you’d give us more then that note!” she thought.

“I’m going to talk to Katya Derevko. She might know something,” Sydney said, leaving the office and heading to the prison.
Awesome Abby!!! I love this story. That would be awesome if something like this actually happened on Alias :lol: I shall laugh my head off!!!! Great chapter!!! :cool:
Lemon-Krumpitz said:
If Sophia is Yelena in your Fic I would just like to say... Die Sophia!  :angelic:

Yep, Sophia is Yelena/Elena (however her name is spelt :rolleyes: )
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>A/N: Thank you everybody for more nice reviews :D This chapter is pretty short, but I promise that things will start to heat up soon ;) </span>


<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Deep Forest</span>

Chapter 3

“Yelena is here in LA. We have proof. My mother sent me a message. She was warning me about Yelena. What is Yelena planning?” Sydney asked.

Katya’s eyes grew wide.

“Yelena is here!? Irina is alive!? Oh no…” she uttered.

“What? What is it?” Sydney asked.

“Years ago, Irina and Yelena had an argument. When Yelena pulled Irina out of America from you and your father, Irina wanted to stay. She said she liked it, but she knew it could never be. Yelena pulled her out anyway, around the time your mother was pregnant with Nadia,” Katya explained, sitting up.

“What was the argument about?” Sydney asked.

“You. Yelena was and still is a Rambaldi follower. She somehow knew you were part of the prophecy. She wanted Irina to bring you with her, so they could have you for themselves. Irina would not hear of it. She refused to drag you into this when you were still so young. Yelena, when she extracted Irina, was expecting you to be there with her. You weren’t and Yelena was furious. I was there,” Katya answered.

“I sided with Irina, saying that dragging an innocent child into this was wrong. Us Derevkos are cold, but not that cold. We would never harm a child, it‘s dishonorable. Yelena was furious with both of us, and said “Irina, I will have Sydney, and I will have your unborn child. First, I’ll get the both of you, and then I’ll grab them! You have no idea what you’ve just gotten yourself into.” Irina, being stubborn told Yelena to “bring it on” which I assumed is an American term for “I’ll be waiting.” Irina was not afraid of Yelena, and she refused to give up her children for the purpose of Rambaldi. Yelena hid in the shadows for years, waiting for the right time to strike. It would seem that right time is now.”

Sydney smiled slightly. The thought that her mother did care for her, and would put her in front of Rambaldi, made her feel warm inside. It was nice to know that she really did care.

“Why now? She could have attacked any time, but why did she choose now? Why not when Nadia and I were children? We were at our most vulnerable then. Why?” Sydney asked.

“No, Sydney. When you and Nadia were children, you were actually at your strongest. You may not have known or felt it, but you were at the top of your game when you were young. Yelena knew this, and was afraid that she would fail, so she has been watching you two, and waiting for the perfect moment to make her move. She sees that now is the time when you two are at your weakest, so she’s seizing the opportunity,” Katya explained.

“What makes us so vulnerable now? I feel stronger then ever!” Sydney replied, utterly confused.

“Rambaldi. Your tie to Rambaldi is what makes you vulnerable now…” Katya mumbled.

“What does that mean!?” Sydney asked.

Katya laughed.

“You certainly don’t get that from your mother. Irina was never clueless; she always knew what was going on, where it was going on, and when it was going on.”

“Newsflash, Aunt Katya,“ Sydney said, emphasizing the word aunt. “I’m not my mother! Sure, we have our similarities, but I am not her, and as far as I’m concerned, I don’t want to be her! I’m fine with being me!”

Katya smiled.

“You’re sure of yourself. That’s good. It shows power and dominance. It’s most fitting for you,” she said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sydney asked, arching an eyebrow.

Katya sighed.

“You may be sure of yourself, but you still are oblivious…”


“Tell me, Nadia, how have you been?” Sophia asked, taking a sip of her tea.

“I’ve been fine. Taking care of myself and staying out of trouble,” Nadia replied, matter-of-factly.

Sophie smiled.

“Of course you are… of course…”

“Well, Sydney’s been helping. Everybody has. I feel like I’m finally wanted, and I finally have a home. My family… they may be awkward, but they’re mine. I can finally call them my own.”

“I’m happy for you, Nadia. You’re not the girl you once were. You’re reformed. How about Sydney? I know nothing about her, yet I can tell she’s changed drastically from the way she used to be, “Sophia said, straightening up in her chair.

“I’m not sure what you mean, Sophia,” Nadia said.

“Did something happen in Sydney’s past? I looked into her eyes and saw something… strange. I saw bitterness.”

“Oh, that,” Nadia replied. “Sydney wears a happy face, but deep down, we all know how she really feels. My father killed her fiancé, her best friend, and basically ruined her life. She’s always wanted revenge, she was driven to the edge, but she never took that final step over. I only know little about her, but I know if she had the chance to kill my father right now, she would not take it. She told me that she used to not be in control of herself, but now she is.”

Sophia nodded.

“Sydney then had every reason to want to kill your father, She still didn’t take it. That takes great courage and will-power,” Sophia stated.

“Yes, I know. She struggled to hold on to who she really was, and she knew if she killed him, she’d be throwing that all away. Her anger nearly transformed her, yet she hung on by a thread, and was able to find herself again. At least, this is what she tells me,” Nadia replied, starring into space.

As Sophia was about to speak, Nadia’s cell phone rang.

Nadia answered it quickly.

“Yes? What!? Oh my god! I’ll be right there!” Nadia said, turning off her phone.

“Is something wrong?” Sophie asked.

“My sister. She said it was an emergency concerning… you don’t want to hear about it. Never mind.,.” Nadia said, putting her coat on.

“I’m sorry, but I have to go. I’ll talk to you later,” she said, running out the door.

Sophia smiled.

“Let the games begin”


“Jack, I told Sydney everything. She is informing Nadia as we speak,” Sloane said, pacing back and forth.

“That was a wise move. I think they were starting to suspect something,” Jack replied.

“Sydney went to see Katya for some answers. She hasn’t told me what she discovered yet, but she said she will inform me later. With Katya in prison and Irina… dead… this is going to be near impossible to pull off,” Sloane said, coming to a stop.

“I know, Sydney and Nadia are have no idea what’s really happening to them. It’s important that we watch their backs at all times. Yelena could be anywhere, getting ready to strike. I have a feeling she’s going to make her first move very soon.”
Awesomeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Keep writing. I hate knowing that Yelena is Sophia but nobody else does it drives me crazy! lol but tht is wut makes it exciting :blink:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'> I won't be updated for a week, so here are a few spoilers to hold out on </span> ;)

"Our system was hacked earlier today, and important, top-secret files were stolen," Sloane said, rubbing his temples.

"Who stole the files?" Sydney asked.

"Guess," Marshall replied.

"Where the hell could she be?" Sydney asked, getting fed-up with these games.

"According to the signal we picked up, she was in your house."

Sydney was about to place the vial in it's case, when she notcied a note attached to it; Truth Takes Time

She gasped, but before she had time to process things, she was hit in the back of the head, and her world went black.