Review; Southern Reach trilogy


This is news, Vincenzo, NEWS!
Just finished the third book of the 'Southern Reach' trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer. The first book, Annihilation, came out in the spring, followed by Authority and Acceptance.
This trilogy is the literary equivalent of the tv show Lost. There's lots of stuff going on, with multiple characters and (sort of) plots, but little of it is really relevant to the main issue(s). There's lots and lots of talk and description and memories but very little wheat in the chaff. Finally, late in the third book, there's a paragraph in more-or-less plain English that summarizes what's happening.
Some readers will enjoy the proverbial ride (little violence or sex, lots of strong language) and maybe will be able to pick out the relevant bits from the mass of words. I ultimately thought it a waste of time and lingo; this could have been a single volume if written as a straight story, but the author wants to play with abstracts.
Like Carlos Castandeda's Don Juan books, I found myself reading page after page screaming 'Something HAPPEN alread! Somebody SAY SOMETHING!'.
Available wherever books are purveyed. A movie is in the works. (I cheated and got through local library).