Dreams Are Prophecies

This is my third fic. Its the summer hols so I'm bored and starting writing stuff. I know that most people think Sydney would never die but I thought......I've give too much away. Just read, keep reading and enjoy.

Irina felt for the gun. Her broken fingers brushed the hilt of it. She attempted to close her fingers around the gun but her broken and useless fingers did not respond to the command. Ivan, the man she was fighting, had broken the nerves as well as the bones. She saw his next movement out of the corner of her eye. A leg came swooping through the air towards her head. She was not prepared for his move and his foot slammed into the side of her head with enough force to knock out a baby elephant. Irina crumpled onto the concrete floor, she was out long before her head cracked against the hard surface.
Blood oozed out of Irina's head as Ivan dragged her out of the small corridor and into a large, bare room. He lay her in a corner and left the room, bolting the door behind him.

Irina woke up. Her head was throbbing and there was something moist and sticky on her left cheek. She raised a weak arm to touch it and when she brought it away she saw the fresh blood dripping off it. Her hand was numb and senseless. Well that was to be expected from having no nerves there. She used her good hand and felt at her belt for her gun, expecting it to be gone. But to her amazement it was still there as she had left it, untouched, unnoticed.
How stupid is this guy. She thought as she tightened her grip on the silver, gleaming hilt. She stood up, testing her legs, no damage there. She cocked the gun and made her way cautiously towards the door. Amazingly there was a door knob and a bolt that was on the inside as well as the outside.
I guess there new to keeping prisoners here. She thought, laughing quitely to herself. But she stopped short, maybe he wasn't stupid, maybe it was a trap, a reason to kill her instead of cold blooded murder. But that was impossible, Ivan was a skilled assasin, he would not hesistate to murder someone, she was useful to them. How, though, she didn't want to find out. She reached her hand, gun and all, towards the door but as she was inches away it flung open and Sydney stood there, a gun cocked in two hands. Outside the door Irina could see the two lifeless bodies of the guards.
"Mom....."Sydney said. Unafraid Irina hoisted the gun and fired a single shot at Sydney. Then she bolted from the room, not wanting to go back into CIA custody, where she was sure she would not be treated the same as before. In the distance she heard a man cry out. She felt something sting her in the right shoulder and then her world went black.


Sydney opened her eyes. Sunlight was filtering through gaps in the curtain and onto the be where she slept. She turned and saw a figure beside her, her eyes were blurred with sleep and the figure she slept next to seemed to have no features. She rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust to the light. As her sight became better she could make out features on the stranger's face: a curved nose, thin lips. Memories came flooding back to her, it was Vaughn. She felt like she barely knew him after her terrifying dream the previous night. She had been locked up, unable to break free, for two years and when she had finally escaped or freed Vaughn had been married. But as all dreams do, the memory of it soon began to fade, details that had been inprinted so clearly in her mind when she first woke, were now forgotten and all Sydney knew was the basic outline; she had been missing, Vaughn had got married.

Vaughn began to stir beside her. She watched him as his eyes fluttered open. He fixed his eyes on her after a while and smiled.
"Hey Syd" he croaked, croggy from sleep.
"Hey" she replied. Vaughn sensed something in her voice, something like fear.
"You alright?" he asked her, running his hand down her bare arm.
"Yeah, bad dream is all." She laughed slightly. Vaughn didn't buy it.
"It was something more than that Syd. Come on, you can tell me." he urged her.
"No, really. It was just a bad dream" she aimed her gaze down avoiding his eyes. He took her head in his hands and made her look at him. His eyes were pleading; more effective than words. "It was just me being caught. I was held prisoner for a while and when I got out....you were married." she took a deep breath.
"You know it's been proved that dreams are prophecies" he laughed. Sydney smiled, thankful for his presence. "You know that I'll always be there for you, don't you? If you went missing, that I'd try and find you every day of my life until I died." Vaughn's words were deep and they penetrated the hard shell that she had set around a part of her heart after Danny had died. She had sworn to herself that she would never love anyone as much as him, because to go through that pain again would kill her. Now Vaughn was her whole heart, her whole being. She loved him more than words could describe. She leaned in to kiss him. Vaughn was the first to break the kiss.
"We better be getting to work. Jack'll kill us if we're late. This is meant to be 'the mission', he reckons we're gonna get Irina, Sloane and Sark during the raid." He said, clambering out of the bed and pulling on a pair of grey boxers.
"Maybe he had a dream" Sydney said. Vaughn stopped and looked at her, his green eyes boring into her head.
"Maybe" he sais in a serious tone. His face was stoney. Then he suddnely smiled. "I'm gonna take a shower" And he left the room, leaving Sydney with worried thoughts.

Tell me if you thinks its a good start. It's not in chapters just bits that I'll post every now and then. Anyway keep checking and tell me what you think.
dangerous agent
hi there. Thanks for your comments. I'm gonna be on all day so I'll probably post loads. The 'bits' are kinda long I've just realised so........there was no point in telling you that. OH well, read on.

Two hours later at the CIA Headquarters, Vaughn and Sydney sat with the rest of the normal team in debrief. Jack was busying himself handing out printouts of the location they were raiding. Marshall seemed to be the only one not paying too much attention to Jack's talking. His face was moulded into a confused look and he kept turning the piece of paper he was holding round.
".......and then Sydney and Agent Vaughn will use the guards key to open the hatch in the basement and let the rest of the team in. Understood.?" Jack said. There was a murmur of agreement and a scuffle of chairs as everyone stood up to leave and get ready.
"Um.....Mr....Agent....Mr.Bristow.I....I know this place. When we were at SD-6 this was the place Sloane had me rig with all kinds of traps and security. There was one that was really, I mean, I don't think anyone will have thought of it...." Jack cleared his throat and Marshall stammered on. "Er..yes. I know what has been set here. I know where I placed the cameras and the traps. Needless to say most are in the basement which is exactly the place where you were going so you would have been killed before.......Ah anyway. I think I should come with you and you know help you out a bit. Because...well I just explained that to you."
"Are you quite done now?" Jack asked, staring coldly at Marshall.
"Right. Then I want you to get geared up with the rest of the team. You leave in an hour." Jack strode out of the room. Marshall was left breathless. HE lifted his head and saw everyone staring at him so with a flourish he collected all his sheets and set off at a jog towards his desk.

The team where preparing for landing aboard a Boeing Jumbo Jet. Vaughn stood by the pilots door, surveying the team of seventeen specially trained men, Sydney, himself and Marshall. Marshall was sat in a secluded corner, pouring over various books.
"What you got there?" One of the men asked. Marshall jerked as though brought out of a dream.
"WHAT?" he shouted. All heads turned to him.
"I asked what you'd got there" the soldier repeated.
"Um....it's books on combat. You know what to do in this situation or that situation." He said, picking up ' 11 Most Important Rules of Combat'. Most of the men laughed openly at the last comment.
"Once you're out there, man, you'll forget all about the books you've read. You go with instinct." A different soldier said, laughing. Marshall looked hurt but defiantly returned to his books. Sydney decided to intervene before Marshall lost all of his confidence.
"When we enter the compound I want a post set up at all entrances to the facility. A small group of five will accompany Marshall to the basement where he will instruct you how to defuse any bombs and cut all the security. Agents Roberts, Green, Wilson, Jones, Owusu you will be the ones to go with Marshall. Agents Ford, Reid, Wright and Bolger, you will secure all entrances. By the looks of these prints there should only be four so you won't need any backup. The rest of you, your all coming with me and Agent Vaughn. We will wait for Agent Green's signal and then we will follow Marshall's group into the basement and into the main body of the building. We will be in and out as soon as we have our targets." Sydney explained, she handed out mugshots of Irina, Sark and Sloane. "Right, any questions?" Everyone shook there heads but it was no surprise to them that Marshall's hand was up in an instant.
"Yeah?" Vaughn said, indicating that Marshall should talk.
"Ahem.....did you say, I mean I may not have heard properly but did you say that I had a team?" He stuttered.
"Yes, I did. Is that a problem?" Sydney said, frustrated.
"Er..no, not at all." HE sat back in his chair and breathed deeply. The cabin door opened and a man came out.
"Agent Bristow. ETA five minutes." Sydney nodded and the man went back into the cabin. Marshall began flustering around, collecting together his gear. He pulled a bag from underneath his chair. He received strange looks from the plane's occupants.
"Bullet-proof tent, rucksack and body suit for three people. I developed it myself." He explained. Various people rolled there eyes but the members of Marshall's team seemed intrigued.
"Can it protect five people?" One asked. Marshall seemed to ponder on this for a moment.
"No" His team looked disappointed. "But I did bring twenty so I'm pretty sure everyone will be safe." Immediately everyone went over to him to congratulate him. Just then the plane hit solid ground and the team lost their boyishness and all became silent and serious, ready for action. Vaughn waited until the plane came to a standstill and then opened the door. There were already stairs in place and the group filed down them. Jack had made a deal with the Russian authorities that they would be allowed clearance for an old airstrip. This way they ensured that they wouldn't be seen and they would be closer to the facility. The large group stopped and Sydney began to talk.
"We are currently five miles west of the compound. From here on I don't want anyone using any kind of verbal communication, and no one will use their radio unless you are in danger or if you are radioing for backup because we have all been killed. Understood?" Everyone nodded. To the hardened soldiers this request seemed like nothing but to Marshall it seemed one of the hardest things in the world. How was he going to contact his team?
Oh GOD. Why did I ever work for the CIA. He thought miserably. He watched as everyone strapped one of his bullet-proof tents/suit/rucksack. And then he remembered something.
"They are also parachutes" No one acknowledged him so he bowed his head and prayed he wouldn't get killed. He heard a rustling and looked up to see the group halfway down a field, walking very fast but with extreme caution. He ran to catch up with them, making a lot of noise in the process. He disturbed a group of birds and they flew up into the darkening sky. Somewhere in the distance a siren began to wail.
heres another bit to read.

Sark and Irina sat at the small, black table. Sark was clutching a coffee and Irina was eyeing him with distaste. He seemed to notice.
"Irina. I have realised by now that you do not like me. But as upset as I am I must remind you that I am your partner and you will not get rid of me." He said calmly, sipping on the hot coffee. His accent was annoying Irina so much that every time he talked she clenched and unclenched her fists, yearning to punch him square in the face. She decided to keep silent and simply wait for Sloane. Everyday she feared his arrival, believing that when he was gone, someone will have contacted him and told him about her intentions. But she knew this was impossible, the only people who knew that she was planning to steal Sloane's Rambaldi collection and kill him and Sark, where the small group of sixty ex-Russian army soldiers she had recruited to help her. They were all loyal to her, they all thought Sloane was a meddler and he would bring there country war. She was jogged out of her thoughts as Sloane entered the room. Two men followed behind him, carrying a limp figure in between them.
"I found this man trying to break into my office. It's a shame I killed him actually, I could have interrogated him." Sloane said, taking his seat at the head of the table. The men slid the dead man into a seat opposite Irina. His head lolled to the side and she was shocked to see that the man was actually one of her team. Yusof Putin, the commander of the company of men. Sloane caught Irina's expression and smiled.
"All has been revealed. Yusof here decided to co-operate with me after all, of course I still killed him but he did tell me some very interesting things....like one of us is a traitor. That person has been plotting against me. Even has their own army. And I now who that person is." Sloane's voice was sickening. It was a teasing tone. Sark looked straight into Irina's eyes and smirked. HE knew that it was her. Sloane nodded at the men.
"Ivan, Vladimir. Please do me the honour." The two men, one of whom Irina now recognised as Ivan Gegorovich, a infamous assassin, seized her by the arms and pulled her out of her chair. She did not bother to struggle as they dragged her down the corridor towards a room known as 'THE CELL'. As she was about to enter, Irina lashed out. She managed to knock the other man unconscious but Ivan was prepared and came at her like a herd of wildebeest.
* * *

Sydney crept silently through the tall grass. Through the darkness she could see the rest of her task force. They fanned out the length of the field, each only aware of himself. She spotted Vaughn two metres away. His gun was pointing cautiously in front of him. He sensed her and looked round, she smiled at him and the concentrated on their position. If she was right they should be coming to a small forest of trees that outlined the compound. Even before she looked she knew they were there, it became ever so slightly darker and moonlight was disappearing. There was a small noise, undetectable to anyone within a ten meter radius, but Sydney heard it and she looked around to see the soldiers taking out night goggles. Desperately she tried to signal to them that it was a bad idea. She caught Vaughn's attention and made gestures with her hand that they would reflect any searchlights or torch-light. Vaughn understood and soon the message had reached everyone and quietly they slipped the goggles off again and returned them to their bags. Sydney called for a stop. The soldiers tensed and crouched close to the ground.
"Marshall, take your team and go. Agents Ford, Wright, Bolger and Reid you will go with them, offer support until they are through and then get ready to give us cover fire as well." Sydney whispered, although she was quiet, everyone picked it up and immediately moved into their positions. The nine chosen men and Marshall disappeared into the darkness. Sydney and Vaughn were left with the remaining eight men. They crouched in silence, waiting for the signal that would mean they could attack. The adrenaline was coursing through Sydney's blood, she was growing impatient, anxious to - at last- imprison the man she had spent two years trying to bring down. She saw the signal and her team moved in, guns poised, ready to be fired.
got another of the 'bits' up. I may have some more soon but on Thursday I'm going on holiday to a place with no compters, boo hoo. I'm gonna be gone for two weeks but after that I'll post loads more.

Marshall crawled along, close to the ground, his fellow men around him. As they cleared the thick of the wood he could see the compound and memories came flooding back to him. Sloane had given him a guided tour and then let him plant whatever he liked. Marshall knew that two feet away, laid roughly on the ground, where enough mines to kill blow up a Jumbo Jet.
"Stop" he called quietly. He saw the five men around him stop abruptly and almost become part of the long grass. "Mine field. Two feet" The men shot each other worried looks.
"How will we get past?" Someone whispered to his left. Marshall smiled.
"I designed them. I can defuse them without them going off." Marshall's expertise seemed to stun the hardened soldiers. They watched him as he crawled away towards the compound.
Two minutes later he came back, a broad smile covered his face.
"All clear" he whispered, and they set off again, the huge chain link fences gradually getting more solid in appearance as they approached.
Going over the mine field was a tough experience. The men constantly worried that one would fire and blow them to pieces but Marshall had done his job and none went off.
They reached the fence and looked around for any guards. Sloane had obviously thought that no one would be able to get through the mine field because he had set no guards around the fence. Roberts reached forwards, he was going to jump the fence.
"NO" Marshall called furiously. "I set a motion sensor into the fence. You touch it and it will pick up your movement. Guards will come running but you will already be dead because this is also electric. Roberts took his hand away and tried to stare Marshall in the eyes as though he knew that but he was testing him. Marshall chose to ignore this and carried on. "The only way we can get in is to cut this. The sensor doesn't respond to metal and neither does the electric current so if we make a big enough hole for us to get through then no one will detect a thing." The men all reached for their pliers.
* * *
Irina extended a fist towards Ivan's face, but he was too fast. He saw the movement coming and grabbed her hand causing her fingers to spread open. With a great force her grabbed all four fingers, leaving her thumb out, and bent them backwards. A white hot pain spread through Irina like fire as her fingers cracked. She cried out and cradled her broken fingers in her arm. Ivan seized the advantage and began pummelling Irina over and over until she no longer felt the pain. He paused, checking to see if Irina was dead. He had been given specific orders not to kill the woman before him. For some reason Sloane didn't want her dead, something about a trap for the CIA, for Sydney Bristow. Irina was up in an instant, her hand feeling for the gun beneath her jacket.
* * *
Sydney followed the path Marshall had taken into the compound. She saw his team up ahead, exiting from the facility.
"All the guards have been taken out. No alarms have been activated. We're clear." Agent Owusu said as Sydney approached. She nodded and signalled to her team to follow her through. Marshall and his five men came along as support, they knew the corridors already.
It was dark inside. The lights shone dimly above, creating an eerie setting. They came to a split in the corridor, one went right and the other went left. They broke into two groups, each taking a corridor. Vaughn who had been silent for the whole mission, came with Sydney, along the left corridor. Their boots made no sound against the concrete floor as they moved down it in silence.
After a while, Sydney came to a door at the end of the corridor, there was movement inside and she heard voices as well.
"In here" She whispered to her team. They all moved back as someone slid a grenade towards the door. The team crouched low, against the wall as the grenade exploded and the door was blown open. Gunfire erupted from inside and they responded, ten times more vicious. They moved in, still low to the ground. As the smoke cleared, four dead figures became apparent. Two were unfamiliar, one must have been a guard but the other was badly beaten and his neck had been broken previous to their attack. The other two were easily recognisable. Sark lay slumped in a chair were he had fallen, six bullets in his chest; a gun was held close to him. The last person, lying sprawled on the floor was Sloane. He had no gun and seemed to have been attempting to escape. Sydney stumbled around, searching for Irina but she was no where to be seen. She left her team and explored the vast corridors, desperately hoping to find Irina. Finally she came to the last corridor. It was smaller than the others and a single door stood at the very end. Two guards stood outside, unarmed. Sydney had no option, she shot them both in the chest. They crumpled to the floor and Sydney crept up the corridor. Cautiously she reached out hand to open the thick metal door. The door flung open with ease and waiting on the other side was Irina.
"Mom........" She said. She barely had time to register her mother as Irina pulled her gun level to Sydney's chest and fired. The force knocked her to the ground and she was vaguely aware of Vaughn running to her side and another bullet being fired before her eyes glazed over and everything went black
Great update!!!!!!
Thanks for the PM!
It would be nice if you'd update another chapter before you're going on holidays :D
this ones kinda short but I hope you still like it.

Vaughn put his gun away and ran to Irina's lifeless form. He checked for a pulse and found her still breathing, this was when he broke Sydney's rule, don't use radio contact. He grabbed his radio from it's holder and spoke into it.
"Fox three this is fox two, we have two women down, fatally. Medic needed. HURRY!" Vaughn shouted. He didn't wait for a reply. After securing Irina's wound her dashed back to Sydney. There was a small hole in her lower chest and blood was staining her clothes. He carefully unzipped her black top and saw a bullet-proof vest beneath. For a while he wondered how she was bleeding and then realised that this was a thin vest and it had been point blank range. The bullet had still entered her, but she had had some mild protection. He pulled the vest off and pressed his own shirt into the wound, stemming the flow of blood. Soon there were footsteps in the distance.
"Agent Vaughn?" He heard someone shout.
"Yeah, over here" The footsteps got louder as the medics approached. They turned the corner and saw the carnage that lay before them. Two guards lay dead and two others were wounded, one was one of their targets, the other was Sydney Bristow, their task force leader. Vaughn ushered them over, barking orders at them, tears stained his face but no one said anything, no one dared.
Sydney and Irina were loaded onto an awaiting helicopter. Side by side, mother and daughter were flown to the nearest hospital, Moscow General.
* * *
Sydney woke, the sunlight streamed into the room, blinding her.She twisted her head round and saw another occupant of the room, Irina. She sussed that this was a hospital room and wondered what had happened to her. Carefully, putting her arms underneath her, she tried to sit up but her chest was painful and she soon collapsed back into the bed and fell asleep.
The next time she woke up she saw Vaughn by her bed, his head buried deep in his hands. She observed him for a while before he looked up. The worry that was printed on his face melted and joy replaced it. He smiled broadly.
"How are you feeling?" He asked her. There was still a dull pain in her chest but she ignored it.
"I'm feeling great" she said. Her gaze slipped past Vaughn and onto the opposite bed where Irina lay, still not woken, with wires smothering her. "What happened to my mom?" Vaughn looked behind him at Irina and then sighed.
"She shot you and ran, so....I......I..shot her." He said quietly. "She hasn't woken up yet and I was afraid the same thing had happened to you."
"Vaughn, it's only been a day or two" She rasped, her chest felt heavy.
"Syd, you've been in a coma for eight weeks. You're in your final four. The doctors said that if you didn't wake up, they'd have to...you know" Sydney fell silent. It felt like her dream, not two years but two months had gone by where she had been missed.
"You're not married are you?" She asked Vaughn. At first he looked confused and then he smiled, remembering that morning.
"No." He laughed. He hugged Sydney, who flinched under his weight. "Oh yeah, sorry" he said, leaning away. The door swung open and Jack was standing in the doorway, he seemed not to notice Sydney as he gazed at the bed ridden Irina. His eyes were full of pain. He then noticed Sydney and Vaughn staring at him and smiled.
That was so not short. It was great!
Yay!! Sark's dead!! (I can't believe I'm cheering that somebody died)
Don't kill Irina or I might have to turn around and come right back after you. ;) (Although, given the title, you'd think I'd figure out that you're not gonna listen.) :D
Sorry I haven't reviewed, been in Orlando. Have fun on vacation.