


What if Sydney and Michael didn’t work for the CIA? What if Michael was the prince of a foreign land? What if Sydney was a servant in his palace? What if they were destined to fall in love only to be torn apart by war? What if all of this came true?
Well it did. And this is their story.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I dont own Alias or any of the characters in it, but i wish i did.

The story: Ok guys this is my second fic Alias fic and if you've read my "Skyler Stories" fic (non alias fiction) you might notice some similarities between this one and that one. Well thats because there are HA! no seriously. So if anything confuses you please let me know because the whole story is in my head and I try to convey everything as unconfusing as possible but... sometimes it doesnt always work. Well I hope u like it!
Oh and credits for my pic ^^ above: Texture: Jamie Pics: Alias-Media & Font: i dont remember but is probably elegant or scriptina :rolleyes:

AND the story...


Chapter 1
As she stepped through the debris filled room all the memories, all the emotions, came rushing back to her like a wave crashing upon the sand. This was her home, or as much of a home as any place she had ever lived. This was where she lived the most substantial part of her life. This was where she fell in love. Not just any love either, a powerful, deep and true love; the kind that changes you forever.
The palace, that was once so happy and warm, was now dusty, dirty and full of rubble from the war. The once gilded and elegant ballroom was filthy and gray. The perfectly polished wood floor was now barely visible through the soot, grime, wood and shrapnel spread about. The beautiful paintings that adorned the wall once full of vibrant colors were now torn, filthy, or otherwise damaged. Some of the pictures were missing; the only evidence they ever existed was a faint outline where they used to hang. The atmosphere had a musty smell but also an air of sadness of things forgotten long ago.
She remembered the first time she saw this room. The ballroom’s striking beauty had taken her breath away. She had a vision of herself floating across the dance floor in the arms of her love. That time seemed ages ago, maybe it was just a dream, or just a faded memory.
She made her way toward the back of the great room. The French doors that once ushered the way out to the floral gardens and patio were broken off their hinges. As she neared the empty door frame she saw part of one of the doors lying on the ground surrounded by shattered shards of glass. As she walked onto the patio she was enveloped by a warm breeze. It was late afternoon but a dark cloudy haze covered the sky. The air was thick and heavy as if a storm were about to strike.
She looked out at the gloomy gardens. They had once been so perfectly pristine, after all she had made them that way. It was her who had restored them and made them thrive again so many years ago. Now all the hedges had overgrown the paths, in desperate need of pruning. The fountain’s basins lay dry and cracked in some places large chunks were missing. Even though it was late spring no flowers bloomed anywhere in the gardens. Only weeds spouted here and there.
When she looked further out in the distance she could make out the deck of the pool she used to swim in. She relished the days she sat pool-side soaking in the sun. Though she could not see it, she felt sure the pool was destroyed as well. She turned around and looked up at the palace. It’s once elegant exterior was cracked and broken all around. The majestic statues had all been destroyed.
“Sydney? Where are you?” A voice called out from inside the palace.
“Out here Will,” she answered.
“Oh here you are Syd. Now are you going to explain why we came to this dismal palace? These bombed out places give me the creeps. Although this place isn’t as bombed out as I expected it to be.” Will stated. Syd laughed as she tucked a strand of her long auburn hair behind her ear. She was in her late twenties but she felt much older. Not that she had physical signs of aging but she felt that, especially in the past few years, she had experienced much more than other people her age.
“You should have seen this place in its prime.” She told Will as the entered the ballroom again. “It was gorgeous.”
“Yeah well some of us weren’t lucky enough to see it, but I’m sure it was great,” Will said with an uncaring tone. “Seriously explain to me why this was worth braving our way through all those vagrants camped outside on the lawn?”
Syd shook her head. Will did not understand. She did not know why he agreed to come with her. Probably because he thought I needed protection from the ‘vagrants’, she thought. “Come on I’ll give you a tour.” She smiled, took his hand and led him back into the main entrance hall.
Will reluctantly followed. He could not understand why she was so enthralled with this place or why it was so important to her. She had been talking about coming there for weeks, ever since they had moved back to Georgetown, the capital city. The weirdest part is she made such a big deal about coming on May 1st, he thought.
“Down that way, that’s where the kitchen and servants quarters were.” She said as she pointed to the left. “And over there was the prince’s office and meeting rooms.” She said as her voice trailed off. She approached the door slowly as if daring herself to go inside. So many memories lay behind that door; memories that lay, never forgotten, deep inside her heart. She stopped short and turned.
“Let’s go upstairs,” she said quickly.
“Seriously, I don’t get it.” Will began yet again as he followed her. “Why is this place such a big deal?”
She stopped on the steps and spun around to face him. “Because it was my home Will,” she said in an irritated tone.
“Home? What home, you were a servant here for crying out loud!”
She did not answer him. Instead she made her way up the worn staircase. They reached the landing on the second floor. Will made to go through the doors on the left but Syd stopped him.
“No there’s nothing there or at least nothing worth seeing. One of the bombs hit that wing.” Sydney said sadly. Will ignored her information and opened one of the double doors which promptly fell off its hinges and crashed to the floor. Will gasped at what he saw in front of him. The whole wing was blacked and charred. Gaping holes were where walls should be, windows blown out, and tattered pieces of cloth fluttered in the wind.
“See I told you.” Sydney continued. “Let’s go up here.” She said as she continued up the next flight of steps which was much narrower and steeper than the last.
“Where does this go?” Will asked as he slid under some cobwebs that adorned the stairway.
“Third floor, prince’s private quarters.” Syd answered robotically. Her mind was elsewhere, drifting back to the last time she had been here over four years ago. Syd’s hand grazed against the wall, her heart guiding her through the dark stairway. How many times she had traveled this path on her way to see him.
At the top of the stairs they emerged into a tight corridor even dustier than the rest of the palace. Syd took a sharp right and Will followed. “Be careful” Syd said gesturing down the hall toward the part of the floor that was missing.
“Right... um is this structure even safe?” Will asked cautiously. Syd rolled her eyes and continued on her way. But the truth was, she never even thought about whether it was safe to walk around. The explosions could have weakened the structure of the building, and probably did. Oh well, she thought recklessly, nothing has happened so far.
Syd stopped in front of a single door, her hand floating just above the handle. She paused, took a deep breath, then grasped the handle firmly and pushed open the door. She let out a small sigh at the sight of this room; it was just as she remembered. The bed sheets were still untidily pushed about, looking just as though someone had slept in them. Some pieces of the coffee cup she had broken that morning still lay on the floor. She moved to the bed and steadied herself against one of the posts.
“This is where I was...” She whispered.
“What?” Will asked cautiously noticing a change in the tone of her voice. It had become more somber. She looked different as well; almost distant.
“The morning the foreign troops broke through the city limits, charged the palace grounds and took control of the country, this is where I was.” She started to relive her motions. They were as vivid in her mind as if it all happened yesterday.
“I woke and went to my dresser and then to the bathroom to change my clothes,” she said as she walked around the bed. “I heard gunfire, but louder than it usually was. I heard a large explosion that was so near the building shook beneath my feet. I walked out to the table to get some coffee.” She retraced her steps and walked over to an imaginary table placed not for from a large window. “And that’s when it happened. The explosion was so close, so powerful, so loud, and so violent that I dropped my cup and it shattered. I looked out the window and saw them swarming across the grounds. I saw and heard the planes zooming across the sky. I dove on the ground just as a shell crashed into the front of the building. Everything rocked so violently I opened my eyes and expected the floor to be falling out beneath my feet and then I ...” Her voice trailed off as she came out of her memory haze. She looked at Will who was staring at her with a look of disbelief on his face. She walked past him and back out into the hall.

Please R& R
~Janet :angelic: :cool:
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!first reply

omg janet!!!...i soo love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
post more please?!!?
pm me when you do
Skyligrl5 said:
ah shelby my die hard fan first to post as usual  ;)

and the PM list:
1. sfs&v
2. mrs.marshal030791

yep...die hard fan...thats me...always will be
this is intresting...i got a little confuse...still am actually...anywya si really likeit...very INTRESTING...can i please get a pm when you update?

and if so....update soon!

Update! Hopefully u will all be less confused after this chap but make sure to let me know!

Chapter 2

“Wait, I don’t understand,” Will said as he trailed after her. “If you were a servant here why did you wake up in the prince’s quarters of the palace?” She smiled and ignored his question. She mad her way to the end of the hall.
“This,” she said, “was the prince’s bedroom.” She pushed open the double doors. In the center of the room was the prince’s bed. A huge canopy of red velvet used to drape the bed, but now only the empty wooden frame was there. It appeared as though the whole room had been ransacked. The dresser drawers hung open and empty. Most of the prince’s belongings appeared to be missing; however some things were strewn across the floor. The stuff the thieves did not want, Syd thought. She wondered over to the French doors that lead out to the prince’s private balcony. The white curtains that draped them were torn and tattered. The mirror above the chest of drawers was cracked. Even though the room was in disarray it still brought back the same wonderful feelings and memories.
“Ok,” Will began. “You have been avoiding my questions for way too long. Please explain.” Syd walked over to the bed and propped herself up against it, took a deep breath and began.
“Will, how long ago did you live in Georgetown?”
“I moved away about five years ago, why?”
Syd smiled to herself. “Then I’m sure you heard the rumors and stories about the prince having an affair with his servants?”
“Well yeah. Everyone knew that he had affairs with the young women who worked for him right?”
“Not exactly...”
“Well there’s always that school children story about the prince falling in love with someone who worked at the palace, kind of Cinderella-ish...”
“Ah, now we’re getting somewhere.” Syd said as Will gave her a puzzled look. “What if I told you that little fairy tale was true? What if I told you it was me Prince Michael fell in love with?” Syd looked at Will who was laughing.
“Yeah sure... you’re joking right?” Will laughed, then seeing the sincere look on Syd’s face he added, “Right?”
“No, I’m not joking at all. I won’t bore you with all the details but yes he did fall in love with me, and I loved him. I loved him more than words could ever say. But like many, our love came with strings attached. After all, a prince couldn’t just marry his servant and live happily ever after, right? There were rules, protocol that needed to be followed. But Michael didn’t care about that stuff. He hated hiding out relationship, as did I of course. He wanted to scream it from the rooftops that he loved me and he didn’t care what anyone else thought.” Syd couldn’t hold back her emotion now and tears were spilling from her eyes at regular intervals.
“That’s why I wanted to come here today,” she continued. “See, it was five years ago today that he proposed to me, right here in this room. Everyone, all his advisors, was so furious when he told hem. The screamed and protested and tried to force him to come to his senses. But Michael was firm, he was great actually. I remember he said ‘I’m marrying this woman no matter what so either accept it or leave.’ I loved that.” Syd smiled through her tears and began to pace the room.
“That was around the time all the fighting began. His country was under attack but he always made sure to spend time with me. We started to plan the wedding but...” Syd paused. “Things got in the way...”
“Wow,” Will sighed. “I had no idea.”
Syd gave a small chuckle. “No one did. I never told anyone before.”
“Wait,” Will began. “Now I’m intrigued. Tell me more, I mean if you don’t mind, please?” Sydney laughed slightly and wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Alright well the short version: I came to work at the palace at a young age and like many of the girls I was sort of awestruck by the prince. I mean he was so handsome and proper... of course I had a little crush on him, everyone did. But I never in my wildest dreams thought anything would come of it.
“Shortly after I began working there I had a little run in with the prince. I mean I literally ran into him,” she laughed. “A few weeks later the prince’s royal advisor, a man named Sloane, was attempting to teach him to ballroom dance better, which was proving quite difficult, as is usually the case when two men try to dance with each other. Sloane enlisted my help to assist in the teaching. I think it was that first time I had ever been in the same room with the prince for any period of time. I was so nervous and embarrassed the whole time. I must have been completely red the whole time, especially when he kept stepping on my toes.
“Later that night I snuck into the ball that was being held at the palace. I meant to just stay along the sides and observe but Michael spotted me and pulled me onto the dance floor. We must have danced for, I don’t know, half an hour or more. Everyone was staring at us. Then he took me out on the balcony and he kissed me...” Sydney smiled dreamily. “I’m sorry Will, I must be boring you with my girlish story.” She said.
“No please go on,” Will said.
“Well I sort of freaked out and it took me a long time to be able to trust him. I was so afraid he was just using me or that he didn’t really love me or something. I don’t know,” she said shaking her head. “But eventually we “dated” secretly and fell in love.
“At some point Sloane found out and he was furious. I mean absolutely livid. HE constantly threatened me and absolutely begged and pushed Michael to reconsider his feelings for me. But Michael pushed right back. He told Sloane that he would fire him if he didn’t stop harassing us. Eventually Sloane reluctantly gave in. I mean he doesn’t like me to this day but he became more tolerant of me. Only because he had to though. See Sloane is extremely power hungry. He always wanted to control Michael’s every move like a puppeteer but Michael never gave him the satisfaction...
“Anyway that’s about it the war started and the enemy stormed the palace and Michel had to escape... and I haven’t seen him since.”
“Wow, that’s... wow. Thank you.” He said pulling her into a hug. “For sharing it with me. I’m sorry I was being so arrogant. I love you, you know?”
“Yeah it’s ok, I understand. I was acting a bit crazy.” Sydney stepped back wiping tears from her eyes. “Hey do you mind just giving me a minute alone? Then we can go, I promise.”
“Of course, I’ll be waiting outside. Take your time.” He said as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.
Syd made her way to a door at the opposite end of the room. It was Michael’s closet. She pushed it open and found it much emptier than she was used to. No expensive suits hung on the walls, no silk ties were stacked on the shelves, and no Italian shoes lined the floor. It was just empty, with a few empty clothes hangers here and there. She went to the other end of the walk-in closet and slid her hand about half way up the wall and found a familiar indentation. She stuck her fingernail in the groove and popped open the small door. Inside was a key panel. She could not see it because she was too short, but her fingers entered the code she knew by heart. When she did, a lower small door slid back, just as it had so many times before, and revealed a dial much like those on safes. Again she entered the proper code and pushed the dial in slightly. She heard a click. She had successfully unlocked the door to the prince’s private den. Few people knew this room existed and only two knew the proper combination.
She slid the door open and sighed a deep sigh. This room, aside form the dust, was exactly as she remembered it. Unlike the rest of the palace, this room had been untouched by anyone. The room was quite dark so Sydney crossed the room and pulled open the blinds to allow what little light there was outside to flood the room. It was only then that she realized she was not alone.

hhaa evil cliffhanger :Ph34r:
Please R&R

~Janet :angelic:
This really good, can I have a PM when you post more?
*I hope the person in the room with her is Vaughn :smiley: .
OMG!!!!! hes there...isnt he...i knew it..there gonna fall in love right...of course they are...!!!!!!!!

thank you for the pm...evil evil evil EVIl CLIFFy just FYI!!!!

update, update update!!!! VERy soon thanks!!!!

ive always been a sucker for this kina story...and when you wadd alias character to it..a dream come anywyas yeah thank you