Is this acceptable?

Approximately 50% of people who drive are of below average intelligence. Is this acceptable?

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Acceptable in what sense? If they've passed the test, they've earned the right to drive - until they do something which gets them the licence taken away.
What's average intelligence? It's hard to measure intelligence. Though I suppose as a yank I'd have a good idea whilst looking at the country's political sector and the as-notorious constituents.
If I'm taking this at face value, my answer would be no...which is what I spec'd.
But in saying disclaimer is more along the lines of "common sense" and less on IQ Based Intellect.
Yes, this is perfectly acceptable. There's a major difference between being below average on the IQ scale and being low enough to qualify for mental retardation. Learning to drive is like learning to ride a bike. I'm more concerned about deaf people being allowed to keep their licence.