what makes cult shows good?


hi, I am taking grade 12 english for summer school and I am writing an essay about cult shows...*hint mostly about alias* basically it's about why cult shows make t.v better. It's suppose to be a persuasive essay. So, why do you like 'cult' shows like alias, lost, charmed, smallville, and many others. *I repeated myself a lot* (n)

this is my thesis statement:
These shows are what are making television better because it is specialized to the viewer’s wants in getting away from life.

thanks for the help

p.s. the roughs due tomorrow, I was just assigned it today. this is really taking a lot out of me, there's so much work. oh well, two more weeks and it's over...
You could talk about that because there is a smaller audience, there is less demands to comply with what execs/advertisers/audiance want. They get to keep their quality true to the story, instead of making sacrifices.
Hopefully, I'm not too late here. :smiley:

Interesting topic... good choice! However, you might want to revise the grammar of your thesis.

To add to what Kewii posted, maybe also include the fact that since the target audience is smaller, writers are able to keep the characters relatable - meaning, this smaller audience is able to relate to the characters more, which hooks them even more.